Meeting dates 2023

Meetings are held at The Barn, Goosecroft, Purley on Thames RG8 8DR

Friday 20th January, 7:30 pm.  Mike Cooper: Tilehurst in the Second World War

Friday 17th February, 7:30 pm.  Richard Marks: The History of Sutton Seeds of Reading

Friday 17th March, 7:30 pm.  AGM followed by John Chapman: Getting to Know You: how Purley people communicated with the rest of the world

Friday 21st April, 7:30 pm.  Catherine Sampson: The River Estate in Images

Monday 8th May, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  Small Coronation display on King Charles III & past Coronations in the Barn as part of wider Coronation celebrations in Purley.

Friday 19th May, 2:00 pm.  Visit to Purley Hall and its grounds with refreshments afterwards in the Barn.  Advance booking required.

Friday 16th June, 7:30 pm.  Rain or Shine Theatre Company:  The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare.  Tickets are available to purchase from David Downs.  Proceeds will go to local good causes.

Friday 15th September 2023, 7:30 pm.  Members’ Evening: Fish & Chips supper, followed by “Coronation and Jubilees”.  Advance booking required.

Friday 20th October 2023, 7:30 pm.  Rob Wallace: Roads Built and Unbuilt in the Purley Area.

Friday 17th November 2023, 7:30 pm.  Peter Halman: The Thames from Oxford to Windsor: shaping history through the centuries.

Friday 8th December 2023, 7:00 pm.  Rain or Shine Theatre Company’s Christmas production: Frankenstein – a comic take on Mary Shelley’s classic Gothic novel.

Friday 15th December 2023.  Christmas Party – Supper and quiz.  Advance booking required.